Well these last 3 days have been pretty eventful.
How to get free stuff
On Fridays I get a great newsletter. When I got this week's I thought I would save it for Monday. In doing so I forfeited the chance in getting free tickets to a movie that I really want to see. So I wrote the guy an email:
Subject: CANDY - and boy am I pissed....
I decided to not read this email on Friday and savour it for today- being the Monday morning of hell.
How sad, disappointed and distressed I was to see that I had missed out on tickets to Candy.
Is there anything you will do for a tortured soul who wishes so badly to see this movie? ...and we know how much free tickets improve the worth of a movie.
I know the movie will be good. I want it to be fantastic.
Otherwise, please keep on sending me fantastic emails.
Many regards
To which they replied:
Dear tortured soul,
We scored an extra pass for you…in return for your creative response!
Please send us your postal address and we will send out your tickets!
Enjoy the movie!
Well, not bad for a little bit of creativity.*
A revisitation to Shit having me frazzled.
My office has toilet politics. I once wrote a post about it.
I don't even know how I know these rules anyway. It's like I was born knowing them. I don't participate in this rubbish.
Well the other day, I went into the bathroom on Level 12. I had just come back from a run and had had a shower. I was going into the bathroom to redo my make up. Someone was in a cubicle. They tried doing that thing where they flush the toilet like they're finished, wait till you leave and continue. Little did she know...I wasn't going ANYWHERE.
So she flushes. And she waits. And waits.
I'm starting to think if that was me, how long would I actually wait in there? I reckon if I started with this ruse, I'd keep going. I wouldn't do what she did (and it doesn't take me that long to reapply my makeup).
Just as I'm finished on that thought, she flushes again and then comes out of the cubicle. I talk to her with great difficulty. Now I know who she is and what type of game player she is.
Another one but I can't remember
As is usually the case. But things have been pretty eventful. I've had a couple of great epiphanies. Life is treating me well.
Oh, oh, oh, before I forget. Some kid was born in China with a 3rd arm! Yes, a 3rd arm! They want to amputate it.

But why, oh why would you want to do that?! How often have we all wished for a 3rd arm. Think of all the cool shit he could do. All the pranks, all the tricks!!
It's like a dream come true.
Jie Jie- I'm praying for you!
*Turns out in the end, it was a bloody 2 for 1 offer! Who the hell wants that? So someone in my office gave me a double pass.