For example we have:
Document --> Doco
Presentation --> Preso
Magazine --> Mago
Wine --> Vino
Reconciliation --> Reco
David --> Dave-o
Jacqui --> Jaco
and the other day, there was this new one to add to my collection
Balcony --> Balco
I swore I would never do it. Way too Yobb--O for me. But when you're working with yoks around you all day, Pres--O and Doc--O happen to slip themselves in.I've failed.
I also swore when talking about work, I would never say "We've just done this", or, "We just got ourselves a new whatever."
It would always be "My work has..." or "Where I work, they've...", it's a more disassociative phrasing, a me vs them type of thing, don't get too attached, keep work life as seperate as possible.
I've slipped into that too.
I feel so ashamed.
On the lighter side of life, my brother and his wife gave birth to a baby girl this morning. Mazels all round!
Hello niece number 5!