Thursday, December 29, 2005

Goddamed Crazies

Hi kids.
I hope you are all having a great holiday. I know I am. I know I am a great shade of caramel-ly brown. Going to be well weird to go back to work on Toosday. And the nieces get here Friday. VERY EXCITING.

Note, my blog will probably become a cute only zone from that point onwards.

And to those who have been looking at my blog constantly, for the past week, to see if I have posted- this post is for you!! You know I got 45 hits on Xmas day, starting at 1 in the morning?! Nuts I tell you...nuts.

You know, my posts haven't been that good lately I don't know why you keep looking. But...I have been documenting the week that's passed with photos and movies. The stories are numerous, the tales hysterical, the song of the summer has been chosen as "hung up"...

Oh- and it would be a good time to say I have won the blog war. I think a hit from good old Mauritius ain't bad. If anyone actually knows anyone in Mauritius, let me know.

So everybody....have a great New Years, get well tanked, enjoy the biggest party of the year. It's been a brilliant, if not speedy speedy year. Loved the memories and here is to a gazillion more.

Much Love


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