I didn't really blog while I was away...did I? I can't remember. I think I'm still hungover.
I did have fun though. The flights were an absolute bitch. I once said I like flying, not the case anymore.
I pretty much just walked around the entire time. As a result of my wanderings, various things happened:
Josh from heeb.
Josh was cool. I'm glad I met him. After failing at the Jewish geography game of "who do you know" we managed to stumble across a random connection which was gratifying in some kind of way. I wanted to take a picture of me and heeb together, but he doesn't like his pic being taken.
So I took a photo of his T-Sauce and glass instead
I did see a lot of celebs, well a lot if you think about the amount of people in Manhattan and how many days I was there. Ed Begley Jr, that wierd guy from Mad About you, Morgan Spurlock and Billy from Melrose place. He was actually at my conference! He is launching some crazy social network called CafeMom. I wish him well.
Apparently I had a spack attack when I saw Morgan Spurlock. I turned all celeb crazy. I happen to think my accent allows me to get away with it. You see, cops, I hear, never do this:
My roomies
Fuck. We had fun. i don't think I have watched as much TV in one week as I did there. So much reality TV. Dori, Neeley and Olga- thanks for the apple martinis, the memories and the marijuana pasta.
The Crazy JDate billboard in times square
Was a parade of nerds. End of story.
The guy on the left, Erick Schonfeld, he is the KING of all nerds.
I did happen to walk past Ground Zero. It wasn't really somewhere I aimed to get to, but when you're downtown, you can't really miss it. I noticed there was a visitor centre across the road from the site. People could donate money I guess, or buy souvenirs as a mark of their respect etc. Only what, 3,000 or 5,000 people died? Not as many as other catastrophes in the world. But I realised that the reason Western society is so mortified by 9/11 is because the potential for so much monetary wealth was also destroyed that day. That's what people relate to and that's why it was such a tragedy.
Other cool shit
I saw a car on fire.
And loads of coloured Wellingtons
I guess that shall be all for now. Part II when I remember it.